Mama Mantra of the Moment: “I have balance.”

pablo5“I have balance.”

Balance is a feeling. It’s a feeling of calm, the opposite of anxiety. To have balance is to feel balance. When I have balance in my life I don’t feel worried about whether or not I have time to get everything done. I don’t wonder if I have enough of this thing or not enough of the other. I don’t complain about being somewhere other than where I want to be in my life. When I have balance, all of the moving parts in my life are working together. When I have balance I can appreciate where I am and trust that it is exactly where I need to be. Balance is confidence, confidence is trust, trust is control. When I have balance I feel like I am in control of my life. So, what does it mean to be in control?

I don’t mean control in the sense that I am individually manipulating each aspect of my life so that it works with all of the others. No, this ultimate control is much deeper, much easier. In fact, it’s effortless! It’s what remains when I completely let go, completely relax and trust that the universe will support me and provide me with what I need in every moment. I am talking about the natural human state in which our energy is aligned with that of the universe as a whole so that everything just flows and none of it feels like effort. Action is, of course, still necessary but it feels like you are playing instead of working. When you have the feeling of balance you are in this state. In this state all of the aspects of your life will naturally balance because you have allowed them platform on which they may do so.

This state is synonymous with the present moment and mindfulness is the path to find it. Discovering a truth feels like remembering something you’ve always known. When you find this space, this natural creative space where everything flows and everything is balanced, you will know that it was there the whole time. Every person has their own path to getting comfortable in this natural state. As it stands, you might be more comfortable living in your thoughts than in the present moment.

How this Mama uses this mantra:

I have found balance in my life with a combination of cultivating mindfulness and changing my thought patterns.

As a new mother I am very aware that my life is in a constant state of change. This mantra helps me to trust that everything is exactly as it should be. This is something that I am continually working on and as I do, I find myself falling into my balanced state more and more naturally. For me, letting go of control in the way I used to understand it takes some practice. I’ve been able to shift my thought patterns toward those of gratitude instead of those of lack. To do this I had to become aware of my thoughts and that is where mindfulness comes in! I realized that it does not benefit me in any way whatsoever to continue to think about the things in my life that are lacking, that are wrong, that are not balanced. I fought this concept at first because I was used to thinking that I needed those thoughts, that they somehow helped me and that I had to work and figure things out to have anything come together the way I wanted it to. I’ve learned that thoughts of lack are completely and utterly worthless. When we focus on something we create more of it. So, I try my best not to focus on what I don’t want and instead I focus on appreciating what I have so that more things are allowed to fall into place for me!

To find more balance in your own life, try this:

To shift your focus to what you want more of, simply appreciate the things that are right in your life. A common trap that we fall into is that instead of being grateful we think about what it is that we want but don’t have. So, we are still focusing on the lack of that thing. This is the opposite of gratitude.

Here are some examples of the thought pattern of gratitude versus that of lack:

Lack: I want to have enough money that I can shop at the co-op instead of having to shop at the big-box grocery store.

Gratitude: This food that I am eating is providing me with everything that I need right now. I have what I need right now.

Lack: Someday I know I will have a bigger car that can fit my whole family comfortably.

Gratitude: The universe gives me everything in perfect timing. I have a way to get my family where we need to go.

Lack: I wish I had the time to relax with my partner, what can I do to change it and make it happen?

Gratitude: I love the time that I am able to spend with my partner and I trust that the universe is bringing me more of it.

If you have any questions or ideas that you would like to share with me, I can be reached at

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