Things I’ve Found in the Toilet: Episode One

Things I’ve Found in the Toilet: Episode One

Photo by Quinnaya via Flickr
Photo by Quinnaya via Flickr

My husband plays board games with a group of guys at a friend’s house once a month, leaving me home with the kids for a night after a long day of, well, being at home with the kids. This is typically a Friday night, and, in most months, this night of solo parenting seems to coincide with the end of a week of insanity … but that’s not surprising since most weeks are weeks of insanity at our house with three kids age 6 and under plus another on the way! Read more

12 Real-Talk Steps for Choosing Your Child’s Halloween Costume

12 Real-Talk Steps for Choosing Your Child’s Halloween Costume

pottery barn costumes edit
Thanks, Pottery Barn, for ruining it for the rest of us.

Outfitting your kids for Trick-or-Treating can be intensely stressful. There’s nothing like putting 40 hours into a lovingly-crafted costume, only to have your child turn around and refuse to wear anything but the same store-bought Elsa dress as all her other classmates, or trying to figure out how to fulfill your toddler’s request for a tiger-Batman-unicorn. While there’s no way to actually child-proof the process, I hope the following tips can take some of the pain away and help everyone get more fun out of the season. Read more