Why the f*%k are there two? My (not so glamorous) story of having twins: Part 2

Why the f*%k are there two? My (not so glamorous) story of having twins: Part 2

Ultra sound 1It was at my second appointment with Dr. Larson that she delivered the dreaded news that my babies were at high risk and would need essentially constant monitoring. I had 1 ultrasound every week, sometimes 2 from 12-30 weeks. She told me why and it sounded like it was a precaution, better to be safe than sorry kind of thing, but all SO heard was “High Risk Pregnancy” and was immediately emotionally stunted. Read more

How to Give Your Partner Agency as a Parent

How to Give Your Partner Agency as a Parent

How to Give Your Partner Agency as a ParentIn most parental relationships, there is one parent who defaults to “primary” parent. Usually it’s whichever parent ends up spending more time with their child. Because this parent spends so much time with their child(ren), they know a lot of the ins and outs of what the little one(s) want or need at any given moment. It can be very rewarding to stay at home with your kids, or just spend every moment you can with those adorable little people, but this comes with some challenges. Primary among these challenges is making sure that your co-parent has parental agency. Read more

Why the f*%k are there two? My (not so glamorous) story of having twins – Part 1

Why the f*%k are there two? My (not so glamorous) story of having twins – Part 1

Unhappy and preggoWe were pregnant. Didn’t think it would happen but knew it could, and it did. I had to fight and plead to get a doctor’s appointment because I genuinely was surprised (pleasantly) I was pregnant (see From the Bitter Mom, Pregnancy Happens) and apparently they don’t do pregnancy tests or early checkups at the doctor anymore. When I convinced them that I was very confident that I was between 3 days and 3 months pregnant they let me have an appointment. Read more

The Dreaded C Word

The Dreaded C Word

Photo by Morgan via Flickr
Photo by Morgan via Flickr

Our Crunchy Granola Mama Doc Emily Pike takes on the c word.

No, not *that* “C” word! This one has five letters, not four, and brings fear to the hearts of new parents everywhere.


Now, this is not a label that should be applied lightly. The official definition goes beyond just gassiness or fussiness. Read more

Breast Milk and Booze

Breast Milk and Booze

photo by joeshlabotnik via Flickr
photo by joeshlabotnik via Flickr

Boobs and breast milk. Stop pumping and dumping for the love of Gold!

Here’s what you need to know about breastfeeding and drinking to make your own informed decision.

This article is intended for the responsible social drinker. If you think you have a problem with alcohol please contact your physician or local Alcoholics Anonymous group.

1. When drinking (and sobering up), your breast milk alcohol content (BMAC) is pretty much the same as your blood alcohol content (BAC). Blood filters most toxins out of your body and feeds nutrients to your milk ducts. So if your BAC is .08, BMAC is .08. Read more

12 Real-Talk Steps for Choosing Your Child’s Halloween Costume

12 Real-Talk Steps for Choosing Your Child’s Halloween Costume

pottery barn costumes edit
Thanks, Pottery Barn, for ruining it for the rest of us.

Outfitting your kids for Trick-or-Treating can be intensely stressful. There’s nothing like putting 40 hours into a lovingly-crafted costume, only to have your child turn around and refuse to wear anything but the same store-bought Elsa dress as all her other classmates, or trying to figure out how to fulfill your toddler’s request for a tiger-Batman-unicorn. While there’s no way to actually child-proof the process, I hope the following tips can take some of the pain away and help everyone get more fun out of the season. Read more