Review: “Strengths Finder 2.0” by Tom Rath

Review: “Strengths Finder 2.0” by Tom Rath


What a concept Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath has! Let’s change our way of thinking, the American way of thinking, into something more productive and less degrading. Let’s focus on maximizing our natural strengths rather than devoting hours/days/weeks of our lives trying to improve our weaknesses. I read this book and took this test as a team building exercise at work but I highly recommend this book for everyone in the world, not just the work world. Use this knowledge to help build relationships with your significant other and coworkers, even parents and children (if they can understand the questions). Read more

5 Reasons to Get Behind Equal Paternity Leave

5 Reasons to Get Behind Equal Paternity Leave

FullSizeRenderMaternity leave is in such a dire state in this country, it’s practically safe to bring up at dinner parties. Everyone seems to agree that when an employed woman gives birth, she ought to have the right to some serious time off to recover and bond. But as we progress toward equality in the workplace and equality in the household, paternity leave is rarely even suggested as a way to push us forward. Let’s talk about some reasons to get behind Equal Paternity Leave (yeah, I’m capitalizing it). Read more